Dr. Eph Ehly
A research article Published in the American Choral Directors Journal named Eph Ehly “one of the most sought-after choral conductors/clinicians in America.” He has conducted over 85 All-State Choirs, and over 600 Festival ensembles. As a
conductor, author, lecturer and clinician he has appeared throughout the United
States, Canada, Brazil, Japan, Mexico, several countries throughout Europe, and
presented on more than 100 college and university campuses. Dr. Ehly is Professor Emeritus at the Conservatory of Music, University of Missouri-Kansas City. He served as Interim Professor of Choral Music at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2015-16; Texas Christian University, 2010;
University of Oklahoma, 2006-07-09; and taught graduate students at Kansas University fall 2009.
90 Doctorate and more than 100 Masters Degree students have graduated under his
supervision. Prior to serving the Conservatory in Kansas City, he was Director of
Choral Activities at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. His teaching
experiences began in public high schools in Western Nebraska.
Ehly is the author of two books published by Heritage Press, a division of Lorenz
Corporation. “HOGEY’S JOURNEY” is a popular book receiving positive reviews
for its “...inspired passion for musical excellence, mature wisdom and transcendent
appeal.” Hal Leonard Publishing Company released the “first of its kind” Video Master
Classes which feature Dr. Ehly’s philosophies in conducting and rehearsal
techniques. His methods and philosophies have been the subject of several Doctoral
Dissertations by active American Choral Conductors. Colorado University honored Dr. Ehly with the School of Music’s Outstanding Alumni Award. The UMKC Board of Trustees’ selection of Ehly for the Faculty Fellowship Award, accompanied by a monetary stipend, evidenced the popularity of his unique and enthusiastic approach to teaching. He is a past-recipient of the Mrs. Ewing M. Kauffman Excellence in Teaching Award and The UKC Trustees’ Teaching Award for Excellence. He was twice presented the AMOCO Foundation
Outstanding Teaching Award. His alma mater, The University of Nebraska-Kearney,
presented him with their “First Outstanding Alumni Award” during it Diamond
Jubilee Celebration, and the “Gary Thomas distinguished Alumni Award.” He is a
past recipient of the Missouri Choral Directors Association “Luther Spade Choral
Director of the Year Award” for his contributions to the choral art in the state of
Missouri. As a past recipient of two Faculty Grants, Ehly studied “Advanced Compositional
Techniques” in choral music visiting leading composers and conductors in the
former Soviet Union, Poland, Germany, England, Sweden, Denmark, France, Italy,
Austria and Switzerland. Under the sponsorship of the Partners of the Americas
Program, Dr. Ehly was Guest Artist in Residence to Belem, the capitol of the state of
Para, Brazil and a second residency in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Dr. Ehly received his Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the University of Colorado, a Master of Music Degree from George Peabody College, Nashville, Tennessee and a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Nebraska-Kearney. Notable teachers he studied with are Jean Berger, Julius Hereford, Warner Imig, Willam Lynn Jr., George Lynn former Director of Westminster Choir College, Louis Nicholas - past president NATS, Vincent Persichetti - composer, and Lynn Whitten. Eph is married to Lori. They live in Kansas City. He is the father of son
Christopher, a family Practice Physician; daughter Heidi Jane, Director, Clinical
Solutions Management with Cerner Corporation; daughter-in-law Julie, a
Pediatrician; son-in-law Gregg, a Quality Assurance Specialist. Eph is presently
practicing being grandfather to Hank, Rae-Anne, Luke, Max and Lucy.